Sarah Lüdemann (Beauham) is a visual artist and educator. She received an MA Fine Art (Distinction) from Central Saint Martins, London, in 2011. Since 2017 she has been a lecturer for Art, Design and Education at the University of Bremen and the University of the Arts Bremen.
Her artistic research is into corporealities as expression of systems (societal, biological, artistic etc.), which are scrutinised on a basis of norm versus mutation/outtake/growth. There is a particular focus on dissecting the body (human, animal, plant, fungi, virtual, architectural) in order to reassemble it in awkward new versions (functional or non-functional) and without species-limitations (can buildings be counted as species?), in order to question normative visions, as well as consider (utopian) versions of inter-linkedness. With her PhD Research Project Hampelmann aliéné she investigates into the modularised sculpture as holistic body and contemporary expression of identity. Supervisor: Martin Schulz.
Sarah's work has been exhibited widely and internationally, including at Kunsthalle Trier (DE), 56th October Salon, Belgrade (RS), HDLU, Zagreb (HR), Trafo, Szczecin (PL), Hayaka Arti, Istanbul (TR), Ventolin Art Space, Testing Grounds, Melbourne (AU) and Galería Concreta, Santiago (CL). She has received various grants and awards, including the Berninghausen Award for excellent teaching in 2019 and been shortlisted for the Paula Modersohn-Becker Award in 2022. Her works are held in a number of public collections, including the New York Public Library (US), Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen (DE), Ashton Bower Library special collection of the UWE, Bristol (UK), Städtische Galerie Bremen (DE), MOMENTUM Worldwide Video Collection (DE) and Piracy Book Collection, AND Publishing (UK).
Short CV //
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Education //
2010-11 MA Fine Art (with distinction), Central Saint Martins, London (UK)
2004 Oslo National Academy of the Arts (NO)
2001-05 MA Education, Universität zu Köln (DE)
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Grants, Awards & Residencies //
2024 Artist in Residence, Künstler:innenHäuser Worpswede (DE)
2024 Artist in Residence, Künstlerhaus Dortmund (DE)
2023 Hollweg Stiftung Publication grant (DE)
2022 Paula Modersohn-Becker Award (DE) - shortlisted
2022 Bremer Senat Project grant (DE)
2020 43. Bremer Förderpreis Award (DE) - shortlisted
2019 Berninghausen Award Bremen university (DE)
2015 Artist in Residence, Tofiq House, São Paulo (BR)
2015 Artist in Residence, Artbase Helgeland, Sandnesjøen (NO)
2013 MOMENTUM | Berlin, Artist in Residence (DE)
2011 Roger & Sarah Bancroft Clark Charitable Trust Award (UK)
2010 Arts and Humanities Research Council BGP Award (UK) - shortlisted
2010 South Square Trust Award (UK)
2010 Workshop & exhibition mit Mona Hatoum, Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santander (SP)
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Teaching & Research //
2024 PhD Research Fellow, University of the Arts, Bremen (DE)
2024 Lecturer for Design theory (Strollology & Urban walking), University of the Arts, Bremen (DE)
2017 - 2023 Lecturer for contemporary art and education, University of Bremen (DE)
2019 Founder of study group Walking as educational operator, University of Bremen (DE)
2016 Research trip & Assistant of Gabriel Kuri, Los Angeles (US)
2008 - 2009 Lecturer for Media Studies & Art History, Brittin College, Cambridge (UK)
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Selected exhibitions & presentations (Solo/Duo*) //
2024 Printed Matter’s NY Art Book Fair, New York (US)
2024 Jahresgaben, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen (DE)
2023 The beau ham - Launch, Städtische Galerie Bremen (DE)
2023 MISS READ, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (DE)
2023 et cetera pp., Palais Lichtenstein, Begehungen Festival, Lichtenstein/Sa. (DE)
*2023 SO WIE SO (with Andreas Drewer), Kunstverein Bochum (DE)
*2023 BETON Berlin, Site-specific installation, Berlin (DE)
2023 Vienna Art Book Fair, Vienna (AT)
2023 Great Carnage, Kunsthalle Trier (DE)
2022 Paula Modersohn-Becker Award, Große Kunstschau, Worpswede (DE)
2022 Release ARTIC Magazin, Edition 'Joker', Kunstverein Dortmund (DE)
*2022, Alice, Galerie Mitte, Bremen (DE)
*2021, intrrra- // interrrrkorporal (with Eyal Dinar), galerie plan.d., Düsseldorf (DE)
2021 Art from Elsewhere, Kulturforum Ansbach (DE)
2021 Jahresgaben, Galerie Künstlerhaus Bremen (DE)
*2020, Happy Meal, CK Offspace, online (with Francisco Valenca Vaz)
2020 State of Play, BBK Jahresausstellung, Tor 40, Güterbahnhof, Bremen (DE)
2020, 43. Bremer Förderpreis, Städtische Galerie, Bremen (DE)
2020 Drawing restrict, Rosastern Space, Munich (DE)
*2020 kleine Probe (_unlearning Kästchenwahl ) (with T. Zwerschke), MMS, Bremen (DE)
2019 bonum et malum, Galerie Kleiner von Wiese, Villa Erxleben, Berlin (DE)
2019 Skin Soft Flesh, Ventolin Art Space, Testing Grounds, Melbourne (AU)
2017 Flesh on Flesh, MOMENTUM | Berlin, Berlin (DE)
2017 Elevation, Kunstverein Untergröningen (DE)
2016 Custom Paradise, SomoS, Berlin (DE)
2016 Guimaraes noc noc, O da casa, Cultural association, Guimaraes (PT)
2016 The Pleasure of Love, 56th October Salon, Belgrade (RS)
*2016 Ones and Zeros, HDLU, Zagreb (HR)
2016 Y, Bernheimer Contemporary, Berlin (DE)
2016 Acciones Performáticas, tres mujeres desde el video, Galería Concreta, Santiago (CL)
*2015 Rise and Fall of an Empire, Tofiq House, São Paulo (BR)
2015 Fleischeslust, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden (DE)
2015 OPENHOUSE, ZKU, Berlin (DE)
2014 Biennale de la Danse, La lavoir publique & Goethe Institute, Lyon (FR)
2014 Thresholds, Trafo, Szczecin (PL)
2013 MOMENTUM Collection, Hayaka Arti - Istanbul (TR)
2013 Nick Thurston Pretty Brutal Library, & Model, Leeds (UK)
2012 O que acontece depois, Centro Cultural Município do Cartaxo (PT)
2012 Tallinn Drawing Triennial, Art Hall, Tallinn (EE)
2012 Helpless, Printed Matter, New York (US)
2011 Body Culture, Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution (UK)
2011 New York Art Book Fair, MoMa PS1, New York (USA)
2010 Taller de Mona Hatoum, Villa Iris, Santander (SP)
2010 4th Cairo Video Festival, Goethe Institute Cairo (EGY)
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Publications, texts & visuals //
2023 The beau ham - Raw basics_kit2017.2022, backbonebooks, Berlin.
2022 Artist edition Joker, ARTIC Magazin.
2021 Memoric pursuit. Sarah Lüdemann (Beauham) & Eyal Dinar. Self-published.
2020 Sausage Operations Short Manual. MMS Edition. Self-published.
2020 pLay - pRay. Katalog. Self-published.
2019 This is my Land, In: 25 Manifestos - Issue No.3, hrsg. v. Andrea Sick, Maroverlag, S. 23-28.
2016 Soft Information: A studio visit With Gabriel Kuri, In: Randian Magazine, S. 226-230, 241-251.
2012 Wring. Repeat., In: Blows to the Temple, Node Center for Curatorial Studies, S. 20-21.
2011 Whäis off ßiejing. An idiosyncratic translation of John Berger's "Ways of seeing". Self-published
2011 to face you into, In: What is an Art Book? The Modern Language Experiment, London, S. 342-345.
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Literature //
Gilbert, A. (2018). Im toten Winkel der Literatur. Grenzfälle literarischer Werkwerdung seit den 1950erJahren (S. 302-309). Fink Paderborn.
Husemann, Manuela (2022). Interview mit Sarah Lüdemann (Beauham). In: Arnold, Beate C. & Manuela Husemann. Paula Modersohn-Becker Kunstpreis (S. 36-38).
Naß, M. A. (2022). Körper im Aufbruch. In: Arnold, Beate C. & Manuela Husemann. Paula Modersohn-Becker Kunstpreis. (S. 33).
Naß, M. A. (2021). Inter-Korporale Symbiosen. // Inter-corporal symbiosis.
Zanki, J. (2017). Anthropological Conceptualisation of the Space in Thangka Painting and Contemporary Art Practices. (zu meinen Arbeiten Blind Spot & on y danse, S. 9, 23, 175ff, 223ff)
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Works in public collections //
New York Public Library Collection (US)
SAIC John M. Flaxman Library Collection (US)
Ashton Bower Library Special Collection, UWE, Bristol (UK)
Hochschule für Künste Bremen Bibliothek (DE)
Sammlung Hollweg Stiftung (DE)
Sammlung Städtische Galerie Bremen (DE)
Hochschule für Künste Bremen Bibliothek (DE)
Kunstverein Bochum (DE)
Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen Bremen (DE)
MOMENTUM Worldwide Video Collection (DE)
Piracy Book Collection, AND Publishing (UK)
Tofiq House (BR)
DesapE (BR)
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One of four sets with three parts
Concrete casts, unfired clay sculptures, lacquered, and pieces of bone.
Photo ©Tobias Hübel
Publication published with backbonebooks
Part of New York Public Library Collection, SAIC John M. Flaxman Library Collection, Ashton Bower Library special collection of the UWE, Bristol, Collection Städtische Galerie Bremen, Collection Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen, Collection Hollweg Stiftung, Collection Kunstverein Bochum, University of the Arts Library.
The beau ham - raw basics_kit 2017.2022 is an index of artistic objects, materials and tools. As a (never complete) whole these “components” form an art work in itself, which can be understood as a beauhamic kit, a processual approach within the Sarah Lüdemann Beauham’s work.
The publication has the form of a “card game without rules”. It contains 98 playing cards, three transparent cards and a booklet, and offers myriad possibilities with regards to forming connections, associations or relations. Content can be generated through the objects on the playing cards alone, or in conjunction with the graphic elements on the transparent cards or the text fragments within the booklet. There are no specific rules to “the game”. Rules can be generated by the viewers and changed over and over again.
Paper, printing ink, wooden rack, lacquer, found mattress covers, acrylic paint, found bean bag, 1. ca. 40 x 40 x 5cm, 2. ca. 170 x 50 x 40cm, 3. ca. 155 x 60 x 60 cm
Photo ©Tobias Hübel
Site-specific installation for BETON Berlin
Mattresses appear within the Berlin Neukölln cityscape like stones do within landscape. An unusual place with some green, some trees and some stones pops up in the most unlikely place, wedged between an empty parking lot and a DIY store in Berlin Neukölln. I developed a site-specific installation for this place and BETON Berlin and worked with found mattresses that I camouflaged into stones by adapting their form and their surface appearance. All works will be recycled after the exhibition.
Found mattresses, acrylic spray paint, tension belt, C-print, framed.
"Thematisch befasst sich die Ausstellung, deren Ausgangspunkt die Geschichte um Lewis Carrolls “Alice im Wunderland” ist, mit außergewöhnlichen mentalen Zuständen, die Ausdruck in einer Körperlichkeit oder veränderten Körperwahrnehmung finden. Dabei werden sowohl alltägliche Phänomene, wie das Verliebtsein betrachtet, als auch körperliche und geistige Veränderungen unter Drogeneinfluss, im Traum oder bei psychischen Erkrankungen, wie dem Borderline-Syndrom oder der multiplen Persönlichkeitsstörung. Der Körper wird dabei als formbare, flexible Masse antizipiert, die immer auch in direkter Abhängigkeit von Wahrnehmung, sozialen oder kulturellen Normen und persönlichen Prägungen steht."