Kommentierte Neuherausgabe der Schriften Ingrid Köllers zur Didaktik textiler Sachkultur.
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Starting point for this project was the planned re-publishing of the written work of former textile didactic professor Ingrid Köller [+ 2002], at University Oldenburg.
In addition to the development of the design concept, we had the opportunity to take a deeper look at Ms. Köller’s archives in the “Institute of Material Culture”. The four remaining archives still hold thousands of objects, literature, written texts, textiles, fabrics, personal correspondence, photographs and curiosity. Our artistic-scientific archive work resulted in a series of three tableaus, as a retrospective of the life and work of a female scientist in the beginning 20th century.
An article about the archive research, the artifact founding’s and their contextualization, was written in co-authoring with Prof. Dr. Heike Derwanz.
Concept and Design: Interdisziplinäres Designlabor - Agentur für wissenschaftliches Kommunikationsdesign [Dalila Maganinho / Joosten Mueller GbR]